AMT Futures Ltd v Boural & Ors [2018]

AMT Futures Ltd v Boural & Ors [2018] EWHC 750 —11 April 2018 (Salter QC)

“The Court found that an exclusive jurisdiction clause creates "continuing obligations" meaning that claimants were obliged to neither start nor continue proceedings anywhere other than England. Following commencement (in 2008) and continuation of n…

“The Court found that an exclusive jurisdiction clause creates "continuing obligations" meaning that claimants were obliged to neither start nor continue proceedings anywhere other than England. Following commencement (in 2008) and continuation of negligence proceedings against them in Germany by their former clients, AMTF brought proceedings in England (in 2007) for damages for breach of the jurisdiction clause. The High Court held that allegations relating to events within 6 years of commencement of the English suit were not bound to fail and dismissed AMTF application for Summary Judgment.”

Antonino Cordopatri
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
18th April 2018


London Arbitration 12/18


JSC BTA Bank v Khrapunov [2018]