Betamax Ltd v State Trading Corporation (Mauritius) [2021] UKPC 14 – 14 June 2021 (Hodge J, Arden J, Leggatt J, Burrows J, Thomas J)

The Respondent Charterers, a trading arm of the Government of Mauritius, repudiated a 15-year COA. The arbitrator dismissed Charterer’s argument that the COA was unlawful, due to lack of required approval by the Central Procurement Board, and awarded some USD115m. to the Appellant owner. The Supreme Court of Mauritius (SCM) held that the COA, being unapproved, was in contravention of public procurement legislation, and set the award aside as it conflicted with public policy. The Privy Council, on appeal, held that, whilst the SCM was empowered to determine whether an award conflicted with public policy, this power did not permit it to review the legality of the COA, which turned on statutory interpretation, and gave rise to no issues of public policy. The appeal was allowed, and the award final and enforceable.


Lakatamia Shipping Co Ltd. v Nobu Su & Others [2021] EWHC 1907 – 7 July 2021 (The Honourable Bryan J)


Eastern Pacific Chartering Inc v Pola Maritime Ltd [2021] EWHC 1707 – 28 June 2021 (Patricia Robertson QC)