Golden Endurance Shipping SA v RMA Watanya SA & Ors [2016]

Golden Endurance Shipping SA v RMA Watanya SA & Ors [2016] EWHC 2110 (Phillips J) - 15 August 2016

“Where bills of lading were subject to English law and applied the Hague Rules, Owners sought but failed to obtain a declaration that "suit" in Article III rule 6 meant "suit in a jurisdiction applying the Hague Rules" such that proceedings by cargo…

“Where bills of lading were subject to English law and applied the Hague Rules, Owners sought but failed to obtain a declaration that "suit" in Article III rule 6 meant "suit in a jurisdiction applying the Hague Rules" such that proceedings by cargo interests at the place of delivery, Morocco (which applies the Hamburg Rules), did not interrupt the time bar.”

Vasilis Bikakis
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
05th October 2016


Grand China Logistics Holding (Group) Co. Ltd v Spar Shipping AS (Rev 1) [2016]


(2016) 960 LMLN 3— London Arbitration 25/16