Lukoil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd v Ocean Tankers (Pte) Ltd (Ocean Neptune) [2018]

Lukoil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd v Ocean Tankers (Pte) Ltd (Ocean Neptune) [2018] EWHC 163 (Comm) - 02 February 2018

“A charter on an amended ExxonMobilVOY2005 form contained additional 'LITASCO' clauses providing (cl. 4) for time waiting for orders to count as laytime or demurrage as well as (c1.2) a documentary time bar, discharging charterers from demurrage cla…

“A charter on an amended ExxonMobilVOY2005 form contained additional 'LITASCO' clauses providing (cl. 4) for time waiting for orders to count as laytime or demurrage as well as (c1.2) a documentary time bar, discharging charterers from demurrage claims unless presented and supported within 90 days.
Owners failed properly to support their demurrage claim in time but argued that the waiting time claim fell outside the time bar. The Commercial Court held that a cl. 4 claim is a demurrage claim and subject to the time bar.”

Jason Charalambous
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
07th February 2018


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