Navig8 Chemicals Pool Inc v Aeturnum Energy International PTE Ltd [2021] EWHC 3132 – 23 November 2021 (Christopher Hancock QC)

Cargo was delivered without B/Ls, against LOIs from Voyage Charterers Aeturnum and Time Charterers Navig8. ING bank, claiming to be holders, arrested the Vessel and sought damages of USD8.5m from head owners. Aeturnum failed to take steps and Navig8 placed security to release the Vessel. The Court held that cargo was delivered in accordance with Aeturnum’s instructions, engaging their LOI to Navig8, which was breached (alleged impecuniosity being neither made out nor an excuse). It ordered specific performance (requiring Navig8’s security to be replaced) and damages for Navig8’s loss of use during arrest, Navig8’s further losses being stood over pending ING’s judgment in Singapore.


Herculito Maritime Ltd & Ors v Gunvor International BV & Ors "POLAR" [2021] EWCA Civ 1828 – 1 December 2021 (Jackson LJ, Males LJ, Sir Patrick Elias)


K Line PTE Ltd v Priminds Shipping (HK) Co Ltd ("Eternal Bliss") [2021] EWCA Civ 1712 – 18 November 2021 (Sir Geoffrey Vos, Newey LJ, Males LJ)