Arnold v Halcyon Yachts Ltd [2022] EWHC 2858 – 18 November 2022 (Registrar Davison)

A, owner of a transatlantic yacht contracted with H, a yacht transportation company, for her delivery to Delaware, USA. The yacht set sail in mid-November, her route being via Spain, Azores, Bermuda (the “northern route”).  Severe weather and an accumulation of boat defects convinced the crew to put back to the Azores for repairs. Ultimately another contractor completed the transit the following year. A relied on a repudiatory breach by H and claimed its extra delivery charges, repair costs and marina fees citing A’s choice of the wrong route, failure to assess weather conditions, and damaging the yacht. The Court found that H’s planning and execution of the voyage was carried out with the necessary skill and care; the damage was attributable to multiple manufacturing defects.  There was no breach and H was awarded its counterclaim for unpaid sums under the contract.


London Arbitration 32/22


MV Pacific Pearl Co Ltd v Quick Ship Holdings SA [2022] EWHC 2828 – 11 November 2022 (Baker J)