Rubicon Vantage International Pte v Krisenergy Ltd [2019]

Rubicon Vantage International Pte v Krisenergy Ltd [2019] EWHC 2012 (Comm)

“Under a bareboat charter Guarantee, charterers' parent guaranteed, as primary obligors, charterers' performance of and payments under the charter and undertook to pay "any amount(s) demanded up to ...US$3,000,000... on demand notwithstanding any di…

“Under a bareboat charter Guarantee, charterers' parent guaranteed, as primary obligors, charterers' performance of and payments under the charter and undertook to pay "any amount(s) demanded up to ...US$3,000,000... on demand notwithstanding any dispute between [owners and charterers]. The Court found that the Guarantor was liable even if the underlying liability (and not just quantum, as argued) was in dispute.”

Louise Glover
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
31st July 2019


Fshc Group Holdings Ltd v Glas Trust Corporation Ltd [2019]


Odyssey Aviation Ltd V GFG 737 Limited [2019]