Bunge S.A. v Pan Ocean Co. Ltd. [2025] EWHC 193 - “Sagar Ratan”

Delays on the Sagar Ratan due to a COVID-19 outbreak among the crew led to a dispute over hire payments. Pan Ocean (defendants) argued that the BIMCO Infectious or Contagious Diseases Clause applied, while Bunge maintained that the delay was not due to port conditions. The High Court ruled in Bunge’s favour, finding that the discharge port of Bayuqyan was not an“Affected Area” under the BIMCO Clause, as the delays were due to the crew’s infection rather than the port conditions. Consequently, the vessel was deemed off-hire during the period of delay and Pan Ocean’s claim for hire payments rejected.

Read the full judgment here.


London Arbitration December 2024 (unpublished)


Reseau de Transport d’Électricité v Costain Ltd [2025] EWHC 73 (Admlty) -(30.01.25)