Seatrade Group N.V. v Hakan Agro D.M.C.0 [2018]

Seatrade Group N.V. v Hakan Agro D.M.C.0 [2018] EWHC 654 (Comm)

“This judgment is the first binding precedent on the question whether the berth "always accessible" warranty in a voyage charterparty covers departure from the berth in addition to entry. In this case a vessel was unable to leave berth due to the da…

“This judgment is the first binding precedent on the question whether the berth "always accessible" warranty in a voyage charterparty covers departure from the berth in addition to entry. In this case a vessel was unable to leave berth due to the damage of a nearby bridge and lock, and Owners claimed damages for detention. Contrasting "reachable on arrival", the Commercial Court found that the "always accessible" warranty covers departure, and allowed the appeal against the award of an experienced QC arbitrator.”

Angeliki Georgouli
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
28th March 2018


London Arbitration 11/18


Bubbles & Wine Limited v Reshat Lusha [2018]