Sino Channel Asia Ltd v Dana Shipping and Trading Pte Singapore & Anor [2016]

Sino Channel Asia Ltd v Dana Shipping and Trading Pte Singapore & Anor [2016] EWHC 1118 (HH Sir Bernard Eder)

“Owners served notice of arbitration to the email of a person related to, but distinct from Charterers. That was not valid service on charterers, even if in practice the person was handling the entirety of the contract on behalf of charterers. Also,…

“Owners served notice of arbitration to the email of a person related to, but distinct from Charterers. That was not valid service on charterers, even if in practice the person was handling the entirety of the contract on behalf of charterers. Also, although Charterers later became aware of the award but failed to react, neither their silence nor their inaction could be considered ratification.”

Antonino Cordopatri
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
25th May 2016


(1) Suez Fortune Investments Ltd (2) Piraeus Bank AE v Talbot Underwriting Ltd [2016]


Shagang Shipping Co Ltd v HNA Group Co Ltd [2016]