Sinocore International Co Ltd v RBRG Trading (UK) Limited [2017]

Sinocore International Co Ltd v RBRG Trading (UK) Limited [2017] EWHC 251 (Phillips J) — 17 February 2017

“Sinocore obtained an order from the English Court allowing the enforcement of a foreign, New York Convention arbitral award against the defendant UK company. The defendant challenged the order on the grounds that pursuant to the Arbitration Act, pu…

“Sinocore obtained an order from the English Court allowing the enforcement of a foreign, New York Convention arbitral award against the defendant UK company. The defendant challenged the order on the grounds that pursuant to the Arbitration Act, public policy rendered the award unenforceable, as forged bills of lading were involved in the transaction underlying it. The Court dismissed the challenge as the defendant's liability had been ascertained under the lawful sale contract, irrespective of any other tainted transaction (i.e. forged bills).”

Antonino Cordopatri
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
22nd February 2017


Su (aka Hsin Chi Su, Su Hsin Chi and Nobu Morimoto) v Clarksons Platou Futures Ltd & Anor [2017]


Navalmar UK Ltd v Kale Maden Hammaddeler Sanayi Ve Ticart ("The MV Arundel Castle") [2017]