Sixteenth Ocean GmbH & Co Kg v Societe Generale [2018]

Sixteenth Ocean GmbH & Co Kg v Societe Generale [2018] EWHC 1731— 6 July 2018 (MacDonald Eggers QC)

“After the intervention of US sanctions, a USD35.5m shipbuilding loan concluded with IRISL subsidiaries was terminated and called in by the lenders. The sums due — including a 'termination amount' demanded on 9 June 2010 — were repaid by the subsidi…

“After the intervention of US sanctions, a USD35.5m shipbuilding loan concluded with IRISL subsidiaries was terminated and called in by the lenders. The sums due — including a 'termination amount' demanded on 9 June 2010 — were repaid by the subsidiaries on 14 December 2010 and irretrievably distributed between lenders by 5 January 2011. On 10 January 2017 the claimant subsidiary started proceedings alleging that the 'termination amount' was never due, having been paid under economic duress, and sought damages for breach of contract or in restitution. The Court held that any breach occurred on 9 June 2010 and any unjust enrichment between 14 December 2010 and 5 January 2011, so that on any view the 6-year Limitation Act period had expired. Nor could it be extended under s.32, economic duress not constituting 'fraud' and there being no deliberate concealment of the distribution.”

Louise Glover
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
18th July 2018


Shagang Shipping Company Ltd v HNA Group Company Ltd [2018]


Seadrill Ghana Operations Ltd v Tullow Ghana Ltd [2018]