Smith v The "Ross Revenge" — QBD [2017]

Smith v The "Ross Revenge" — QBD [2017] EWHC 787— 7 April 2017 (Jervis Kay QC, Admiralty Registrar)

“A vessel once operating as pirate radio station "Radio Caroline" was considered to be abandoned by the owner despite absence of an express statement by the owner to that end. Failure to engage in a court process, and a clear absence of interest in …

“A vessel once operating as pirate radio station "Radio Caroline" was considered to be abandoned by the owner despite absence of an express statement by the owner to that end. Failure to engage in a court process, and a clear absence of interest in the vessel over a sustained period of time, led the Court to infer that owner had abandoned its rights of ownership. The claimant 'caretaker' was able to become owner of the vessel since no other party, including the Crown, had asserted a better right.”

E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
31st May 2017


London Arbitration 17/17


Pan Petroleum AJE Ltd v Yinka Folawiyo Petroleum Co Ltd & Ors [2017]