Songa Chemicals AS v Navig8 Chemicals Pool Inc and Navig8 Chemicals Pool Inc v Glencore Agriculture BV [2018]

Songa Chemicals AS v Navig8 Chemicals Pool Inc and Navig8 Chemicals Pool Inc v Glencore Agriculture BV [2018] EWHC 397 — 2 March 2018 (Baker J)

“Vessel owners Songa, delivered a cargo of edible oil, without production of bills of lading, against (International Group wording) LOIs from its time-charterers, Navig8, requiring delivery to Aavanti or such party as was believed to be or to repres…

“Vessel owners Songa, delivered a cargo of edible oil, without production of bills of lading, against (International Group wording) LOIs from its time-charterers, Navig8, requiring delivery to Aavanti or such party as was believed to be or to represent Aavanti. Following delivery to Ruchi supposedly on behalf of Aavanti, Societe Generale claimed to be the unpaid lawful holder of the bills of lading and commenced arbitration misdelivery proceedings against Songa. Pending the outcome, the Commercial Court granted each of Songa and Navig8 immediate and final summary judgment ruling that delivery to Ruchi triggered the respective LOIs, requiring each beneficiary to be indemnified in respect of liability to, or reasonable settlement with Societe Generale.”

Louise Glover
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
07th March 2018


Jiansu Shagang Group Ltd v Loki Owning Company Ltd [2018]


Sea Tank Shipping AS (formerly known as Tank Invest AS) v Vinnlustodin HF Vatryggingafelag Islands FH [2018]