Virgin Media LTD V Joseph Whelan T/A M &J Fish [2017]

Virgin Media LTD V Joseph Whelan T/A M &J Fish [2017] EWHC 1380— 9 June 2017 (Kay QC)

“An alleged tort (damage to sub-marine cable by a fishing trawler) occurring outside the UK's Territorial Waters but within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) was not within the jurisdiction of the English Court, pursuant to Article 7 of the re-cast …

“An alleged tort (damage to sub-marine cable by a fishing trawler) occurring outside the UK's Territorial Waters but within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) was not within the jurisdiction of the English Court, pursuant to Article 7 of the re-cast Judgments Regulation. An earlier case - tonocophillips' - could be distinguished as that involved damage to an exploration installation (there, an oil platform) for which UNCLOS confers special jurisdictional rights.”

Louise Glover
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
14th June 2017


London Arbitration 16/17


London Arbitration 17/17