W Nagel (a firm) v Pluczenik Diamond Company NV [2017]

W Nagel (a firm) v Pluczenik Diamond Company NV [2017] EWHC 1750 - 13 July 2017 (Popplewell J)

“A prime diamond trader terminated the agency contract with its long-standing 'London Sights' broker on the grounds that the latter's role had become redundant. The Court found the principal in breach of the fixed-term agreement and awarded the agen…

“A prime diamond trader terminated the agency contract with its long-standing 'London Sights' broker on the grounds that the latter's role had become redundant. The Court found the principal in breach of the fixed-term agreement and awarded the agent compensation being (a) earnings during a reasonable notice period and (b) loss of net future income stream from commissions. Diamonds are not forever, as the learned Judge observed.”

Antonino Cordopatri
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
19th July 2017


London Arbitration 19/17


Vitol SA v Beta Renowable Group SA [2017]