Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation & Ors v Privalov & Ors (Costs) [2016]

Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation & Ors v Privalov & Ors (Costs) [2016] EWHC 2657 (Males J) - 27 October 2016

“After Defendants were awarded $59.8 million for damages caused by worldwide freezing orders against them, they were now able to recover 50% of their costs, and not 100%, since 1) Defendants did not recover their full damages claimed (some $387 mill…

“After Defendants were awarded $59.8 million for damages caused by worldwide freezing orders against them, they were now able to recover 50% of their costs, and not 100%, since 1) Defendants did not recover their full damages claimed (some $387 million), 2) large financial investments were made towards issues on which Defendants failed, and 3) Defendants provided untruthful evidence in Court.”

Vasilis Bikakis
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
02nd November 2016


Regulus Ship Services Pte Ltd v Lundin Services BV and lkdam Productions SA (Costs) [2016]


Vinnlustodin HF Vatryggingaffelag Islands HF v Sea Tank Shipping AS (formerly known as TANK INVEST AS) [2016]