Regulus Ship Services Pte Ltd v Lundin Services BV and lkdam Productions SA (Costs) [2016]

Regulus Ship Services Pte Ltd v Lundin Services BV and lkdam Productions SA (Costs) [2016] EWHC 2674 (Phillips 4 - 27 October 2016

“By an ocean towage contract on BIMCO terms, owners of the tug boat claimed demurrage for delays due to extra ballast. The Court found that the owners of the tow breached their obligation under the Towcon to provide the vessel "in light ballast cond…

“By an ocean towage contract on BIMCO terms, owners of the tug boat claimed demurrage for delays due to extra ballast. The Court found that the owners of the tow breached their obligation under the Towcon to provide the vessel "in light ballast condition" as this means "ensuring physical fitness, primarily stability, for the tow's voyage". However, the claim was rejected because it was not proved that the breach caused the delay under clause 17 of the Towcon.”

Antonino Cordopatri
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
09th November 2016


Pan Oceanic Chartering Inc v Unipec UK Co. Limited and Unipec Asia Co. Limited [2016]


Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation & Ors v Privalov & Ors (Costs) [2016]