Glencore v. PT Tera Logistic Indonesia [2016]

Glencore v. PT Tera Logistic Indonesia [2016] EWHC 82 (Comm) - 29.01.2016 (Knowles J.)

“Where a claim and a counterclaim arise from a single set of facts giving rise to a balance of accounts or netting-off under a contract, a reference to “claims” and to “all disputes arising under the contract” in notices of appointment of an arbitra…

“Where a claim and a counterclaim arise from a single set of facts giving rise to a balance of accounts or netting-off under a contract, a reference to “claims” and to “all disputes arising under the contract” in notices of appointment of an arbitrator will ordinarily suffice to interrupt the running of time in respect of the counterclaim.”

George Arghyrakis
3rd February 2016


Sumanu Natural Resources Ltd & Anr v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA [2016]


942 LMLN 2 - London Arbitration 1/16 [2016]