Nautical Challenge Ltd V Evergreen Marine (UK) Ltd [2017]

Nautical Challenge Ltd V Evergreen Marine (UK) Ltd [2017] EWHC 453 (Admlty) —13 March 2017 (Teare J)

“The Admiralty Court ruled that a vessel exiting the channel (of a UAE port) bore 80% responsibility for a collision with an entering vessel. The former had failed to navigate on the starboard side of the channel, to keep a proper lookout or develop…

“The Admiralty Court ruled that a vessel exiting the channel (of a UAE port) bore 80% responsibility for a collision with an entering vessel. The former had failed to navigate on the starboard side of the channel, to keep a proper lookout or develop a safe speed or take avoiding action. The latter, although it failed to keep a proper aural lookout, nevertheless maintained a safe speed and took immediate avoiding action. ”

Angeliki Georgouli
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
15th March 2017


Marathon Asset Management LLP and Another v James Seddon & Qrs [2017]


(2017) 972 LMLN 2— London Arbitration 9/17