Shanghai Shipyard Co. Ltd. v Reignwood International Investment (Group) Company Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 1147 – 23 July (Sir Geoffrey Vos, Baker LJ, Popplewell LJ)

A Shipbuilding contract guarantee in respect of the (USD170m) final instalment for a USD200m drillship, given “absolutely and unconditionally” and “not merely as…surety” provided for payment “upon receipt…of…first written demand….” by the Builder. But in the event of a dispute over Buyer’s liability to pay, submitted to arbitration, the Guarantor was entitled to withhold payment pending the award. The CA, overturning the High Court judgment, ruled that this was a ‘demand’ guarantee (without reference to Buyer’s underlying liability) not merely a ‘see to it’ one and that the proviso operated only where the underlying liability arbitration had been commenced prior to the guarantee demand.


Falcon Trident Shipping Ltd v Levant Shipping Ltd [2021] EWHC 2204 (Comm) – 4 August 2021 (Clare Ambrose sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court)


Lakatamia Shipping Co Ltd. v Nobu Su & Others [2021] EWHC 1907 – 7 July 2021 (The Honourable Bryan J)