Sino Channel Asia Ltd. -v- Dana Shipping & Trading PTE Singapore [2017]

Sino Channel Asia Ltd. -v- Dana Shipping & Trading PTE Singapore [2017] EWCA Civ 1703 Court of Appeal 2nd November 2017 (Gross & Flaux LLJ)

“In this most unusual case, service of a notice of arbitration on a party's agent was deemed valid, the agent having implied and ostensible authority to accept such service, because the principal took "no part, no role and no interest in the negotia…

“In this most unusual case, service of a notice of arbitration on a party's agent was deemed valid, the agent having implied and ostensible authority to accept such service, because the principal took "no part, no role and no interest in the negotiation or performance" of the contract.”

George Arghyrakis
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
08th November 2017


Tonicstar Limited v (1) Allianz Insurance PLC; (2) Sirius International Insurance Corporation (PUBL) (London Branch) [2017]


Arbitration 28/17 (2017) 989 LMLN 2