Sveriges Angfartygs Assurans Forening (the Swedish Club) & Ors v Connect Shipping Inc & Anor [2013]

Sveriges Angfartygs Assurans Forening (the Swedish Club) & Ors v Connect Shipping Inc & Anor [2013] EWCA Civ 230 —19/02/2018 (Sir Vos, Chancellor of the High Court, Simon LJ and Hamblen LJ)

“Following an engine room fire in August 2012, it was not until February 2013 that ship-owners sought to abandon their vessel to Underwriters and claim a CTL. The Court of Appeal confirmed the High Court ruling that despite the delay, the owners had…

“Following an engine room fire in August 2012, it was not until February 2013 that ship-owners sought to abandon their vessel to Underwriters and claim a CTL. The Court of Appeal confirmed the High Court ruling that despite the delay, the owners had not lost the right to abandon or declare a CTL. Widely divergent repair estimates had been in play and it was legitimate to include in the repair figures costs incurred between incident and Notice of Abandonment and SCOPIC remuneration.”

Louise Glover
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
21st February 2018


Sea Tank Shipping AS (formerly known as Tank Invest AS) v Vinnlustodin HF Vatryggingafelag Islands FH [2018]


London Arbitration 5/18