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Commercial Court Louise Glover Commercial Court Louise Glover

Litasco SA v Der Mond Oil and Gas Africa SA & Anor (Rev1) [2023] EWHC 2866 - 15 November 2023 (Foxton J)

The Court granted Summary Judgment to Litasco (unpaid Sellers of crude oil to the Defendants) in a Є45m claim, pursuant to a debt re-scheduling Agreement. The Court dismissed the Defendant’s various arguments including those under the UK 2019 Russia Sanctions Regulations, and illegality. The Regulations did not apply to the transaction (involving Swiss/Senegalese entities and West African countries) or to any of the ‘persons’ involved (neither Swiss Litasco, nor its Russian parent, Lukoil, was Sanctioned, nor was any individual with a controlling stake; the Defendants failed to prove that President Putin had de facto control of the Claimants; paying the scheduled debt would not make funds available to a Russian person in connection with the export of energy-related goods.

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Commercial Court Louise Glover Commercial Court Louise Glover

Star Axe I LLC v Royal and Sun Alliance Luxembourg SA - Belgian Branch & Ors [2023] EWHC 2784 – 10 November 2023 (Butcher J)

The Claimant carrier issued 7 ‘Congenbill 1994’ B/Ls in 2021. GA was declared on the voyage and the Defendant cargo insurers issued Average Guarantees. The carrier sought a declaratory judgment that the B/Ls provision that GA “….shall be adjusted….according to the York-Antwerp Rules 1994 or any subsequent modification thereof…” applied the 1994 YAR to the exclusion of the 2004 and 2016 versions, as these were each more than “modification”. The Court ruled that both were properly considered “modifications” and that here the 2016 YAR applied.

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Commercial Court George Arghyrakis Commercial Court George Arghyrakis

Hulley Enterprises Ltd & Ors v The Russian Federation [2023] EWHC 2704 – 1 November 2023 (Cockerill J)

The claimant former shareholders of Yukos obtained – and sought to enforce – Arbitration Awards determining that the Tribunal had jurisdiction and that RF was in breach and liable to pay them some USD50bn in damages. RF challenged both the Tribunal’s jurisdiction and the English Court’s jurisdiction to enforce on the basis of state immunity. In fact, RF alleged that the claimants could not invoke the provision containing RF’s agreement to arbitration as they did not fit in the definition of "investors" as required. The same challenges were brought before Dutch Courts but they were rejected. The Commercial Court held that the Dutch judgments created issue-estoppel precluding RF from re-opening jurisdiction: RF’s challenges already had a determination and it could not seek another one before a different court.

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Commercial Court Panagiotis Galanos Commercial Court Panagiotis Galanos

The Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments Ltd [2023] EWHC 2638 – 23 October 2023 (Knowles J CBE)

Disputes arose under a substantial gas supply contract between the claimant State and the defendant BVI corporation. Following ICC arbitration in London, the defendant was awarded USD6.6bn in damages. Nigeria’s appeal under s.68(2)(g) of the Arbitration Act (serious irregularity – award obtained by fraud or in a manner contrary to public policy) succeeded.  The Court found that the defendant had provided false evidence to the Tribunal, bribed a Nigerian official to conceal significant facts and had improperly obtained Nigeria’s privileged documents. But for this conduct the Tribunal would have reached a different conclusion.

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Commercial Court Louise Glover Commercial Court Louise Glover

JOL & Anor v JPM [2023] EWHC 2486 – 9 October 2023 (Foxton J)

Disputes arose under 2 bareboat charters over Owners’ Termination Notices (following shareholding changes in sub-charterers). After starting arbitration, Owners sought injunctive relief from the Court under s.44(3) of the Arbitration Act (orders to preserve evidence or assets in urgent cases) requiring the immediate redelivery of the Vessels, as during the proceedings the Vessels would be exposed to risks and loss of Owners’ opportunity. The Court declined the injunction because Owners failed to prove urgency and further, the injunction, in bringing about redelivery, would thwart the arbitrators’ role in deciding validity of the Notices.

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Commercial Court Lucy Arghyrakis Commercial Court Lucy Arghyrakis

G v R (In an Arbitration Claim) [2023] EWHC 2365 – 22 September 2023 (Sir Nigel Teare)

The Claimant sought an ant-suit injunction restraining Russian proceedings in favour of ICC arbitration in Paris, as specified in an arbitration clause in a bond expressed to be governed by English law. The Court declined the injunction, ruling that it had no such jurisdiction, given that the arbitration was to be in France (where substantial justice could be done).

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