Grindrod Shipping PTE LTD V Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. LTD [2018]

Grindrod Shipping PTE LTD V Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. LTD [2018] EWHC 1284 - 24 May 2018 (Blair J)

“Time charterers Grindrod had delayed for more than 6 years in pursuing their London arbitration claim for damages against owners and in the meantime the contractual time bar passed. The Tribunal issued an award, dismissing the claim on the grounds …

“Time charterers Grindrod had delayed for more than 6 years in pursuing their London arbitration claim for damages against owners and in the meantime the contractual time bar passed. The Tribunal issued an award, dismissing the claim on the grounds of an inordinate and inexcusable delay. The High Court dismissed Grindrod's 'serious irregularity' challenge to the award, pursuant to S.68 of the Arbitration Act , on the grounds that the complaint was one of form rather than substance (submissions raised and responded to under one heading had been addressed under another) and therefore there had been no breach of duty by the Tribunal nor any substantial injustice.”

Andreas Chiratos
E. G. Arghyrakis & Co.
06th June 2018


P v Q [2018]


Rock Advertising Ltd v MWB Business Exchange Centres Ltd [2018]