Case Summaries
Nautical Challenge Ltd V Evergreen Marine (UK) Ltd [2017]
“The Admiralty Court ruled that a vessel exiting the channel (of a UAE port) bore 80% responsibility for a collision with an entering vessel. The former had failed to navigate on the starboard side of the channel, to keep a proper lookout or develop a safe speed or take avoiding action. The latter, although it failed to keep a proper aural lookout, nevertheless maintained a safe speed and took immediate avoiding action. “
Kairos Shipping Ltd & Anorv Enka & Co LLC & Ors (ATLANTIK CONFIDENCE) [2016]
“An "aggregation of unlikelihoods" convinces the Court that the ship was scuttled and that the Owners are not, therefore, entitled to limit their liability to cargo interests under the Limitation Convention.”
"Nordlake" v. "Seaeagle" [2015]
“For the first time the Admiralty Court apportions, between 4 vessels, liability for a collision between a containership and a warship at the port of Mumbai, even though the two warships are not party to the English proceedings.”