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Queen's Bench Division Louise Glover Queen's Bench Division Louise Glover

Goknur Gida Maddeleri Enerji Imalat Ithalat Ihracat Ticaret VE Sanati A.S (Goknur) v Organic Village Ltd [2019]

“In 2010 Goknur and OV entered an agreement whereby OV would purchase from Goknur 'not from concentrate' ('NFC') fruit juice for a period of 3 years. The following year, OV claimed that some batches did not comply with the NFC description and sought damages, including for loss of profit, on the basis of both breach of contract and misrepresentation. The Court found that the juice at the time of supply did not meet the 'NFC' requirement, placing Goknur in breach of contract. However, the misrepresentation claim failed, the judge finding that it was an innocent misrepresentation, and remarking that anyway tortious damages would not extend to loss of profit. The loss of profit claim also failed on the contractual basis, the judge finding that unavailability to OV of an alternative source of NFC juice (of particular provenance) for its customers was not within the contemplation of the parties.”

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Court of Appeal Louise Glover Court of Appeal Louise Glover

Fshc Group Holdings Ltd v Glas Trust Corporation Ltd [2019]

“As part of a complex corporate transaction, the Claimant was to provide an Assignment to the Bank, by way of security. It emerged some years later that it had omitted to do so therefore it issued 2 deeds in favour of the Bank with the effect of replacing the missing security but also imposing additional, onerous obligations on the Claimant. The High Court found that the additional obligations were the result of a common mistake (both subjectively and objectively) and ordered rectification of the deeds. The Bank appealed arguing that the sole test was an objective one, and moreover one going to the legal rather than mere commercial effect of the agreement. The CA disagreed, ruling that a subjective common mistake as to legal consequences was sufficient — and established — although the objective test was also met. Relevant factors in both were that this was not a new agreement, the commercial absurdity of gratuitously taking on additional obligations and the absence of discussion about such a radical modification to the previous arrangements.”

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Commercial Court Louise Glover Commercial Court Louise Glover

Rubicon Vantage International Pte v Krisenergy Ltd [2019]

“Under a bareboat charter Guarantee, charterers' parent guaranteed, as primary obligors, charterers' performance of and payments under the charter and undertook to pay "any amount(s) demanded up to ...US$3,000,000... on demand notwithstanding any dispute between [owners and charterers]. The Court found that the Guarantor was liable even if the underlying liability (and not just quantum, as argued) was in dispute.”

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Commercial Court Louise Glover Commercial Court Louise Glover

Odyssey Aviation Ltd V GFG 737 Limited [2019]

“The Buyer cancelled an aircraft purchase contract, alleging Seller's breach of warranty of title (the Seller intending to acquire the aircraft with completion funds from the Buyer). In dismissing the Buyer's claim for return of the holding deposit, the Court found that the warranty as to title only applied at the time of delivery, thus the Seller was not obliged to produce title documents prior to that. In cancelling, the Buyer was in repudiatory breach such that its complaint that the Seller failed to have the aircraft at the delivery location must also fail.”

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Louise Glover Louise Glover

London Arbitration 15/19

“A Prolonged Port Stays clause in a charter on an amended NYPE 1993 form provided for charterers to be responsible for excessive marine growth if established at the long-stay port. The Tribunal held that the clause was to be construed widely so as to encompass cases where hull inspection at the long-stay port was not possible, alternatively a provision would be implied to that effect. Further "excessive marine growth" meant any growth which had a measurable impact on the performance of the vessel. In the present case, the Tribunal held that the impact was measurable as performance improved after hull cleaning.”

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Court of Appeal Louise Glover Court of Appeal Louise Glover

Ark Shipping Company LLC v 22 February 2019 Silverburn Shipping (loM) [2019]

“In concluding that the Classification clause (9) in a BARECON '89 Charterparty is a condition, the CA (overruling the High Court) found that it is instead an innominate term, for the following reasons of construction and business common sense: it relates merely to classification status; it is not expressed to be a condition nor is it a time clause or a condition precedent leading to significant consequences; further, it was closely bound up with the general obligation to maintain physical condition of the vessel and a trivial breach might well result in disproportionate consequences destructive of a long-term contractual relationship.”

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